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isotope hydrologyの例文


  • This relationship is used within the field of isotope hydrology.
  • Isotope hydrology tracks naturally radioactive isotopes in water.
  • Seifu Kebede of the University of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia said isotope hydrology helped improve water management.
  • Using isotope hydrology, experts determined that the water came from mountainous lakes, leading officials to take steps to protect the lakes from pollution, Tindimugaya said.
  • Pradeep Aggarwal, the head of IAEA's isotope hydrology section, said the technology enabled countries to quickly and cheaply gather information to help them manage their water.
  • Pradeep Aggarwal, the head of IAEA's isotope hydrology section, said the technology enabled countries to quickly and cheaply gather information that help them manage their water.
  • Experts involved in the technology, known as isotope hydrology, are meeting this week at the invitation of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency to exchange experiences and find new uses.